The New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support services, supplemental nutritious foods and referrals to health and social services. WIC serves pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children under the age of five who are determined to be at nutritional risk. The New Jersey WIC Program serves more than 160,000 women, infants and children each month, with services provided by 16 local agencies. The WIC Program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture.
The Vendor Management Team is responsible for the authorization and oversight of over 900 WIC Authorized Vendors in New Jersey. Applications to participate as a New Jersey WIC Vendor are accepted continuously throughout the year. Training is provided for new applicants and authorized WIC Vendors.
For additional information, contact the Vendor Management Team at 609-292-9560.
The New Jersey WIC Program authorized retail grocery stores and commissaries to accept WIC benefits in their stores. The process to become an authorized WIC Vendor is as follows:
NOTE: All changes in ownership require a new initial assessment.
For assistance on using the initial assessment form, check out the User Manual here.
For questions on your application or becoming a New Jersey WIC Vendor, contact the WIC Vendor Management Team at 609-292-9560
If you experience technical difficulties regarding this website, contact the CMA Help Desk at 1-518-994-2480 (option 4 for NJ Vendor)